Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Oh to be a 1950's housewife

I'm afraid I lose at being a housewife. My house is so overtaken with clutter I don't even know where to start, I'm paralyzed even thinking about it. And every time I do get a good start, the boys follow behind and undo it all. How do you other stay at home moms with kids do it?


Nicola said...

a little at a time, that is how i do it. start with a drawer. then move on. don't think you have to do a room in a day. i have soooo much trouble finding time without the kids to do anything! sleep deprivation could be another answer! :)

PolkaDotGaloshes said...

I'm feeling exactly the same way at the moment...overwhelmed with my cluttered house. I'm going to check back here to read everyone's tips too...hehehe =)

elaida said...

That's a good idea, I think I get overwhelmed because I think I have to have it all perfect in one day. Julia, we'll see you tomorrow so I'll see if your house is as bad as mine lol :)

Nutella Nutterson said...

I'm horrifically disorganized, and so the "little at a time" really works for me, too. Flylady (though overly cheerful sometimes!) really helped me get a handle on *what* and *how* to clean - I never learned, as my mom is equally distracted and disorganized.

Also, remembering that I'm not going for perfection, but for *good enough* helps me get out of freak-out mode and into action mode.

Dear me, and this is just with a husband, cat and dog. I can't imagine once kids come into the picture. :-)

elaida said...

I did follow FlyLady for a bit and it helped, at least to have a schedule. I should start that again, at the very least breaking the house down and doing a bit a day. Maybe I'll even find those #1 circular needles one day ...